Inheritance of pod setting under low temperature in pigeonpea
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Six basic populations (P1, P2, F1, F2, B1 and B2) of 12 crosses involving four susceptible (MAL 17, NDA-1, BHUA 96-13-3 and BHUA 96-21-4) and three tolerant (MAL 19, NDA 99-1 and NDA 49-6) genotypes were analyzed to observe the inheritance of pod setting under low temperature in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) millsp]. All the F1 s bore pods even under low temperature as was evident in tolerant parents indicating the dominancy of pod setting over susceptibility. The F2 segregation ratio of 3:1 (tolerant : susceptible) indicated that pod setting is governed by single dominant gene. The observations of segregation pattern of B1 (F1 x tolerant parents) further confirmed the F2 ratio since all the plants bore pods under low temperature. Similarly B2 (F1 x susceptible parents) also exhibited 1:1 (tolerant: susceptible) segregation further confirmed the F2 ratio.
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How to Cite
Singh, M. N., & Singh, R. S. (2010). Inheritance of pod setting under low temperature in pigeonpea. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 70(03), 277–280.
Research Article

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