Detection of molecular divergence and development of DNA fingerprints in fieldpea cultivars
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Studied the molecular divergence and develop DNA fingerprints in selected popular fieldpea cultivars from India. Those RAPD primers from the four sets (viz. OPP, OPBA, OPAQ and OPH) which showed at least 75 percent band polymorphism were selected for molecular diversity analysis. Twenty four primers generated a total of 256 amplified fragments out of which 228 (89.06%) were polymorphic. On an average, 10.67 bands were amplified per primer. Cluster analysis based upon DNA amplification polymorphism using Jaccard’s similarity coefficient and UPGMA could unveil substantial amount of polymorphism among the cultivars. Genotype specific bands were represented in a diagrammatic form and can be used as a reference fingerprint. The arithmetic mean heterozygosity (Hav) value and marker index (MI) was found to be 0.592 and 6.317, respectively, indicating the efficiency and usefulness of RAPD as a marker system.
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How to Cite
Tanveer, H., Choudhury, P. R., Dixit, G. P., & Jha, G. K. (2010). Detection of molecular divergence and development of DNA fingerprints in fieldpea cultivars. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 70(02), 132–139.
Research Article

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