Inter and intra population diversity analysis in toria (Brassica rapa L.) using SSR marker

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Aradhana Phukan
P. K. Barua
R. N. Sarma
N. Borah


Six popular toria (Brassica rapa L.) lines of Assam were used to determine the intra and inter populations diversity using SSR markers. Application of 39, 28 loci SSR loci revealed a total of 80 alleles. The SSR marker BRMS-029 had the highest PIC value in each population. Genetic diversity within individuals was high and accounted for 86% of the total variation, while among population variation was accounting for 13%. So, intra population diversity was found higher than the inter population diversity. The population M27 showed the highest number of alleles (2.128), highest number of effective alleles (1.592), Shanon information index (0.463), expected heterozygosity (0.275) and unbiased expected heterozygosity (0.282) indicating the presence of more heterozygotes in the population. The dendogram showed three distinct populations (TS 36, TS 38 and Jeuti) among the six populations and other three populations are slightly overlapping indicating gene flow. The high genetic diversity within cultivars of B. rapa is required to avoid inbreeding and to enable high yield. This study provided a new insight into the exploitation of the genetically diverse toria lines as potential resources for future breeding programs.

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How to Cite
Phukan, A., Barua, P. K., Sarma, R. N., & Borah, N. (2020). Inter and intra population diversity analysis in toria (Brassica rapa L.) using SSR marker. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 80(01), 107–111. Retrieved from
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