Genetic diversity analysis of traditional Sali rice {Oryza sativa L.) germplasm of Assam through RAPD markers

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Dakshina Barooah
R. N. Sarma


Genetic diversity of Assam rice collection was analyzed using 51 Sali rice accessions were characterized based on 72 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPO) markers. Among the 11 primers, the percentage of polymorphic bands ranged from 33% (OPK-14) to 100% (OPK-19), showing a high degree of molecular variation. The Jaccard's similarity co-efficient used for RAPO data was found to be 0.515, indicating a high level of diversity. Cluster analysis of RAPO data using the UPGMA revealed 11 pairs of accessions might be considered as suspected duplicates. The potentiality of using molecuiar marker in rice germplasm management of Assam rice collection is discussed.

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How to Cite
Barooah, D., & Sarma, R. N. (2004). Genetic diversity analysis of traditional Sali rice {Oryza sativa L.) germplasm of Assam through RAPD markers. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 64(01), 5–8.
Research Article

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