Evaluation of chilli (Capsicum spp.) germplasm for extractable colour and pungency
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Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) has its unique place in the world diet in its ripe dried form (as a spice) as well as green fruits (as vegetable). It is one of the major spice crops in India with different varieties and quality attributes [1] and is used as an essential condiment in foods for its pungency and red colour [2]. Chilli colourant, which imparts appealing colour, aesthetic flavour and aroma, has many end uses in various food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations. The indiscriminate use of synthetic colours for the food colouring has several harmful effects. This has resulted in huge demand for chilli and paprika oleoresin with high colourant and mild pungency as natural colour. In the present investigation 27 accessions of chilli (Capsicum spp.) (26 belonging to C. annuum and one to C. baccatum) obtained from different eco-geographical regions were analysed for different quality traits. The experiment vyas conducted in randomized block design with two replications during 2003-2004.
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How to Cite
Prasath, D., Ponnuswami, V., & Muralidharan, V. (2007). Evaluation of chilli (Capsicum spp.) germplasm for extractable colour and pungency. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 67(01), 97–98. https://doi.org/.
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