An induced dominant seed coat colour mutation in groundnut

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Suvendu Mondal
Anand M. Badigannavar
D. M. Kale
G. S. S. Murty


Testa color is an important attribute of many crop species, especially those in which the whole seed is utilized for human food. Seed coat color is one of the varietal descriptors commonly used by breeders, seed multiplying and certifying agencies as a determinant of tile degree of cultivar's purity as well as an account of consumer's acceptability. In groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) spectrum of testa colors were reported. Some are in natural accessions and others are resultant of induced mutations. So far, five colours namely, white, flesh (rose, pink, tan, russet), red, purple and wine are identified in groundnut germplasm.

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How to Cite
Mondal, S., Badigannavar, A. M., Kale, D. M., & Murty, G. S. S. (2007). An induced dominant seed coat colour mutation in groundnut. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 67(02), 177–179.
Research Article

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