Early generation testing and response to selection in three crosses of rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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Om Vir
B. B. Singh


One hundred and fifty seven F4 progenies from three Basmati x non-Basmati crosses, selected on the basis of high yield/plant and harvest index in the genetic background of fine grain quality characteristics from 498 F3 progenies were evaluated in the augmented randomized block design under two environments i.e. 120 kg N/ha (E-I) and 160 kg N/ha (E-II). Estimates of correlation coefficients between selected F3 progenies and corresponding F4 lines were highly significant and positive with respect to grain yield/plant, biological yield/ plant and 1000-seed weight. At lowest selection intensity, standardized selection differential was the highest for all traits. Standardized response to selection at such low selection intensity was the highest for all traits in E-II and equally good in E-!. Realized heritability for grain yield/plant was high at 5%, 10% and 15% selection intensities in E-I!. For 1000-grain weight the estimated realized heritability was high in all cases.

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How to Cite
Vir, O., & Singh, B. B. (2005). Early generation testing and response to selection in three crosses of rice (Oryza sativa L.). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 65(02), 96–98. https://doi.org/.
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