Stigma receptivity and pollination success in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)

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P. Manivel
Vinod Kumar
K. C. Thakur
S. K. Pandey


Traditionally potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is propagated vegetatively through tubers and many pollen fertile self-compatible potato genotypes set seeds on self pollination. The cross-pollinated sexual seeds on the other hand can also be produced artificially through crossing among the desired parents. Several such crosses are attempted under cool long photoperiod conditions in higher hills every year by the potato breeders in India with variable success [1]. Often few or no viable seeds are formed largely due to the genetic and environmental factors affecting cross pollination [2, 3], however, the pollinating method/technique also determines the success rate in hybridization [4]. Prolonged stigma receptivity in female parents may be useful when anthesis in male parent is delayed by a few days and the synchronization of flowering is lacking in the pollen donor and pollen receptor parents. Although there is very little information available on the fruit/seed set in relation to stigma receptivity [3, 5], but no such information is available under Indian condition. The present study was conducted at the Central Potato Research Station, Kufri (320 Nand 770 E and 2500 m asl) during the summer of 2003 to ascertain duration of stigma receptivity vis-a-vis time of highest stigma receptivity for use in effective hybridization.

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How to Cite
Manivel, P., Kumar, V., Thakur, K. C., & Pandey, S. K. (2005). Stigma receptivity and pollination success in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 65(02), 149–150.
Research Article