Development of TGMS system in diploid cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.)
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Cotton, known as king of fibers, assumes place of pride in the Indian economy. Among the cultivated species, diploid cottons have wide adaptability and are relatively tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses. Deliberate attempts have been taken up in the recent past on the heterosis breeding in diploid cottons for its strong competitiveness against upland varieties in rainfed cotton ecology. Using genetic male sterility system, few diploid hybrids have been developed and released for commercial cultivation. But area under these hybrids is not significant due to uneconomic hybrid seed production. Male sterility system developed by crossing G. anomalum x G. arboreum and a natural mutant has considerably redL'sed the cost of hybrid seed production by 30 per cent which was otherwise required for intensive emasculation [1]. This economy may help the poor farmers to adopt desi hybrid cultivation under rainfed conditions to achieve higher production of short to medium staple cottons.
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How to Cite
Khadi, B. M., Badigannavar, A. M., Kulkarni, V. N., & Katageri, I. S. (2003). Development of TGMS system in diploid cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 63(03), 269–270.
Research Article

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