Genetic improvement of food-grade soybean in India: Current status and future prospects

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Akshay Talukdar
M. Shivakumar


Soybean is the most important oilseed crop in India. It contains 40-45% quality protein and 18-22% oil besides phyto-chemicals essential for human health. Soymeal, which contains more than 50% protein, is largely exported at lower price to import pulse-protein at higher cost. Popularization of soy-based foods can facilitate eradication of protein-hunger and energy malnutrition prevalent in India. Elimination of anti-nutritional factors and off-flavor from soybean seeds will enhance liking of soy-based food by the consumers. With incorporation of consumer-preferred flavor, vegetable soybean can be a good food for the people. Reduction of phytase from seed will enhance protein and iron nutrition in the consumers. Molecular breeding and genome-editing techniques can be utilized properly to achieve these goals in shorter period of time.

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How to Cite
Talukdar, A., & Shivakumar, M. (2016). Genetic improvement of food-grade soybean in India: Current status and future prospects. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 76(04), 626–630.
Research Article