Protein content in wild and cultivated taxa of lentil (Lens culinaris ssp. culinaris Medikus)

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Jitendra Kumar
Jagdish Singh
Rajani Kanaujia
Sunanda Gupta


The protein contents in 72 diverse accessions of lentil ranged from 10.5 to 23.7 % with an average of 18.7 % in varieties/breeding lines, 14.5 to 27.1 % with an average of 22.4 % in landraces of Mediterranean origin and 18.1 to 32.7 % with an average of 22.6 % in wild species. Significantly high protein content (32.7 %) was recorded in accession ILWL 47 belonging to Lens ervoides. The coefficient of variation and standard deviation in Mediterranean landraces (18.1 %) showed high protein contents as compared to varieties/breeding lines (16.9 %) and wild species (17.8 %) . As per the Jaccard’s similarity coefficient based on protein content 72 accessions were grouped into two main clusters. Cluster I possessed a solitary accession ILWL 47 while remaining accessions were grouped in cluster II, which was subdivided into sub cluster IIa with 48 genotypes and IIb comprising of 29 accessions of varieties/breeding lines, 16 of wild species and 3 landraces. The results indicated that Indian varieties/breeding lines are significantly different from Mediterranean landraces and wild species in respect of protein contents.

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How to Cite
Kumar, J., Singh, J., Kanaujia, R., & Gupta, S. (2016). Protein content in wild and cultivated taxa of lentil (Lens culinaris ssp. culinaris Medikus). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 76(04), 631–634.
Research Article