Distribution of alleles of grain quality genes in Indian bread wheat varieties
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The prevalence of puroindoline hardness mutations (alleles) among Indian wheat varieties, germplasm lines, Triticum spelta and synthetic derivative accessions was surveyed in the present study. A total of 356 wheat genotypes were examined. While most T. spelta accessions had soft grains, very few among the rest of the lines were soft and possessed wild- type alleles of the two puroindoline genes. The majority were, however, uniformly hard. The null mutation of Pina and the wild type Pinb allele (Pina-D1b/Pinb-D1a) was the most frequent combination in the Indian wheat germplasm. Out of the 356 lines examined, only 42 possessed the Pinb-D1b allele indicating gly46serine mutation in Pinb. One landrace MPG33 possessed the Pinb-D1e allele as found by sequencing the 447 bp product obtained with Pinb-D1 primer in this line. Distribution of the alleles of the serpin (Srp5B) gene was also studied in 90 Indian wheat cultivars released during 1985-2010. Only 11 of the 90 genotypes possessed the b-type allele indicating the prevalence of the desirable a-type allele in the Indian wheat varieties. The role of the alleles of puroindoline and serpins genes in end-use quality of wheat is discussed.
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How to Cite
Singh, A. M., Singh, S. K., Ahlawat, A. K., Jain, N., Singh, G. P., Ravi, I., Yadav, M., & Misra, P. C. (2012). Distribution of alleles of grain quality genes in Indian bread wheat varieties. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 72(02), 208–216. https://doi.org/.
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