Genetic divergence in lablab bean [Lablab purpureas (L.) Sweet]
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The lablab bean [Lablab purpureas (L.) Sweet] is an important leguminous vegetable grown for its nutritious tender pod. It is a self pollinated crop but cross pollination (25-30%) has also been reported. Hence, over long period of time, a high degree of genetic diversity has been emerged within the species [4]. The yield improvement in this crop can be achieved through selection of superior genotypes with desirable traits existing in nature. Mahalanobis [1] D2 statistics which is based on the multivariate analysis of quantitative trait is a powerful tool for measuring divergence among a set populations. Therefore, an attempt was made to study the multivariate analysis of genetic divergence in local landraces of lablab bean.
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How to Cite
Sankaran, M., Singh, N. P., Chattopadyay, K., Prakash, J., & Das, S. P. (2008). Genetic divergence in lablab bean [Lablab purpureas (L.) Sweet]. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 68(03), 347–349.
Research Article

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